Monday 20 April 2015

Do humans judge others on purpose?

Statement: Is it human nature for people to classify themselves into groups and judge others?

In my opinion, yes it is. Go back a couple steps in human evolution and take a look at apes. In a group of apes there is an alpha male and a weakling who is neglected and ignored and this is reflected  on modren society. We classify people in many different ways it is actually extremely complicated. Nerds and Jocks are a classic example. In almost every movie that has a school environment there are always Nerds and Jocks or Popular and Unpopular, Theater Kids and Band Geeks and it's not just limited to that nor is it limited to school. Adults will judge other adults in many ways. One of the classic judgements are passed by looking at houses. When a house is falling apart or the yard is filled with car wrecks most people will instantly judge the person who lives there. They don't even have to know the person, but they assume they are poor or have hoarding problem, but in my opinion our brains are hard wired that way. Leave your opinions in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angelyka
    this is really interesting. I think this is true. People say not to judge a book by its cover but in reality we do. My teacher once said that we judge someone in about the first 1 minute of meeting them, it then takes a long time to change that opinion of them. But 1 minute that doesn't really give you long to get to know someone before you form an opinion of them. I really like your blog it is very interesting.
    Please visit my blog at
