Wednesday 11 March 2015

About Me

My name isRendered Image, the girl in the picture above. I was born in a small town in Northern Ontario on a cold November day in 2001. Which is cold, bleak and snowy and contrary to popular belief not polar bear infested in the winter but perfect in the summer. I still live here but my life is a bit more complex than that. I don't like to call myself an "introvert" because I think that is a overused and commonly misused word to describe people who spend an above average amount of time inside my own head, but I guess if that is what introverted is than I guess I am introverted. I am also a stereotypical artsy kid. Musician, Poet, Writer, Actress, Artist... Anything that has to do with the arts you can almost guarantee I am interested but I do play sports like basketball and I am a competitive swimmer with TNL, our local swim team. I have a abnormal attraction to water. I seem quiet but I am not shy. In fact, when I get to know you I feel a need to get closer to you and share everything which is one of my greatest flaws (maybe that's why I am introverted...), so I express myself through writing, music or art. I have a composition book filled to the brim with poems (and spelling corrections) about almost every concept of my life from love to fame, I have a sketchbook falling apart from years of travelling or being thrown across the room in artblock rage ( to all of the artists reading you know what I am talking about). I have a little brother named Carter who is erhm... talkative whom I love dearly and have both parents Kevin and Jen who I love also. My favorite color is Seafoam Green not only because of the name but it may be that I love anything blue or similar to blue but don't tell any other colors that because I don't want to hurt their feelings... I also have a passion for fashion and I am really into Boho/Hipster/Skateboarder styles. I may seem really girly but I am not a full "Girly" girl. I skateboard and play video games once in a while but most of my life is consumed with music studies. I don't go through a day without encountering music somehow weather it be practicing it or listening to it. I spend about 8-9 hours a week just practicing music. Singing, Piano, Merlin, Ukelele, Guitar... Anything i can get my hands on! The rest of the time I am listening to music. My favorite genres to listen to are alternative, rock, love and dare I say it, Pop. One of my favorite musicians is probably Ed Sheeran. Thats right! I am a Sheerio. You will probably learn more about me as I continue to blog, so until next time 

Stay cool, 

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